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I have a vivid childhood memory of seeing my first “feral house” on the evening news. It was literally consumed by Kudzu, reduced to a green lump. The couple had been away from their home for only six weeks.

The Deep South is VERDANT, and nature can be an intimidating force. Is it possible for our buildings to work with natural processes, instead of just fending them off at the gate? We think so, and have shared a few practical examples for you to put to use this spring!

Vegetated roofs reduce stormwater runoff, reduce temperatures, and create bird, butterfly, and human habitat in heavily developed areas. They can even be used for urban food production.

While they aren’t the answer for every project, roof gardens have an undeniable “wow” factor. As both the engineering and the benefits of green roofs have become more widely understood, they have taken root across the south, from Nashville to Pensacola.