Edible Landscapes


Whether you want to attract birds, butterflies, or the neighborhood kids, an edible design will add life to your landscape.

Gardening for wildlife focuses on providing food, cover, and water for birds, butterflies and other creatures. Certified wildlife habitats can range for acres, or fit in a tiny office courtyard.

What if we designed for “human habitats” as well? There’s no reason to let the birds have all the fun. Plan for berry stained hands, enough dill for you AND the butterflies, bags full of muscadines, and simple pleasures like grabbing a satsuma as you walk to the mailbox. Turn the time and energy required to maintain your landscape into an investment in fresh, healthy food. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the spring!

Watershed provides local green building solutions for building owners, designers, and builders in the deep south. Please contact us if you would like to work together to improve an existing building, or build green from the ground up.


No EPA for Indoor Environmental Quality