WATERSHED joins the Moffatt and Nichol team to create a master plan and conceptual design for the Bayou La Batre City Docks Redevelopment Project.

Moffat and Nichol designed the adjacent Lightning Point shoreline restoration and has a deep well of knowledge on shoreline improvements and marina design, complemented by WATERSHED’s focus on environmentally and socially sustainable building design.

The project, devised as a way to reinvent the City Docks, seeks to benefit the local community while conserving and complementing the site’s natural waterfront environment.

The City Docks site has a rich history of supporting crucial local industries and providing waterfront access for recreational activities. The original docks and warehouse facilities were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, causing economic downfall in the local community. A full redevelopment has been discussed for many years and was a prominent feature in the Bayou La Batre Comprehensive Master Plan developed in 2006.

The Redevelopment Project envisions a renewed and revitalized City Docks site that “provides a means for developing amenities that attract locals and tourists while showcasing Bayou La Batre’s small-town atmosphere and historical heritage as the Seafood Capital of Alabama.”

As part of the planning and design team, we worked to ensure that all project elements aligned with the overall goal “to meet current and future economic, environmental, and recreational needs by planning sustainable retail and commercial developments and recreational opportunities that support direct seafood sales, charter fishing operations, private anglers, and ecotourism.”

The Master Plan supports these efforts by providing a long-term, actionable approach to innovating and improving the City Docks site. Crucial plan components include improvements to key infrastructures, new and upgraded amenities, and the addition of responsible developments that support retail industries and recreational pursuits.

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Project Type:  Ecotourism, Outdoor Recreation, Mixed Use
City of Bayou La Batre, Alabama
Size: 14 Acres
Location:  Bayou La Batre, AL
Role: Master Planning, Conceptual Design


The Master Plan presents the future site as three distinct districts: The Market District, The Marina District, and The Lightning Point District. It outlines key features and elements unique to each district, all of which have been carefully designed to bring economical, cultural, and environmental benefits to Bayou La Batre.

Among these are improved and expanded boat slips, a multi-purpose pavilion for market days and public events, green spaces to provide play areas and serve as sanctuaries for crucial wildlife, a kayak launch complete with living shoreline and interpretive signage, and upgraded public amenities like restrooms, parking lots, and communal spaces.