Building resilience in architectural design is a strategy used to enhance the ability of a structure to both prevent and recover from damage.
Like most architects, designers, and engineers, we want our structures to stand the test of time. In today’s modern world of extreme weather and man-made events, that means buildings that are resilient and responsible rather than simply on-trend.
FORTIFIED Gold for Homes is a voluntary standard that walks us, our contractors, and our clients through each step towards what the new normal has become for the built environment.
We were thrilled to talk with Technology Designer about our focus on FORTIFIED construction and how it helps protect and conserve our coastal neighbors and our natural environment.
”“A FORTIFIED home has been designed, built and inspected by an independent third party, so it is certain to be more resilient than a non-certified home...This adds tremendous value to the home in terms of insurance savings, resale value and, when those massive storms come rolling in, peace of mind."